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  • 0,1kg - 0,85kg


  • PCI Express
    PCI Express is the new standard for Add-On cards in a PC, bringing higher speed on simpler board connectors. The classic PCI connectors are said to vanish from standard PC boards, so new products must use the new option. The VSCom E PCIex series of cards provides this option, by retaining the well know enhancements of the VScom H PCI series cards. The 128 Byte long FIFO of the 16C950 type UARTs make the cards the best choice for High Performance data transmission with low system load.
  • Mini PCI Express
    Extension cards for slots Mini PCI Express. Operating on the USB-signals.
  • Universal PCI
    The long FIFO of the modern UARTs make provide for High Performance data transmission with low system load.
  • LPT Ports
    PCI Bus cards provide LPT parallel ports for legacy applications

Il y a 15 produits.

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